Kansas Sunlight Hours & Renewable Energy Information

Kansas Sun Light Hours Map

Quick Green Energy Summary for Kansas


State Sunlight Rank: 6/50

Average Annual Sunlight Hours: 2900 hours

Clear Days: 128 days per year

Summer Peak Sun Hours: 4.14 hours per day

Winter Peak Sun Hours: 5.28 hours per day

Average Peak Sun Hours : 5.79 hours per day


State Wind Rank : 26/50

Average Annual Wind Speed: 0.05 miles per hour

More Information on Kansas Green Energy

Kansas is surprisingly a very sunny state when it comes to average peak sun hours compared to other states in the US. Kansas currently has a limited buy ever increasing presence of solar power, and more substantial wind turbine energy array.

Kansas does have net metering laws, but they are not as favorable as some Kansas residents would like. The Western side of the state near cities like Goodland receive more solar insolation and peak sun hours than the Eastern side of the state in cities like Topeka. Kansas has a lot of farmland and many major cities, so renewable energy is a priority in the state to preserve the natural beauty and ever important farmlands.

A fixed tilt solar panel does not change angles to adjust with the sun, so looking at the average peak sun hours using a fixed tilt panel can set a good baseline for calculations. On average, the state of Kansas receives 5.79 daily peak sun hours.

This number obviously changes if you were to drill down and examine the peak sunlight hours on a daily basis because of the number of factors that can affect a solar panels ability. Natural factors, such as cloud coverage, weather, time of year and much more all impact the daily sun light hours and amount of solar insolation. Not every hour of sunlight will be converted at the same efficiency ratio, so it can help to look at the average when planning for your year.