Final Calculations

The average household in the US uses 911 kwh per month. If not entered manually an estimation was made using the number of residents in your household.
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The average household in the US is charged $114.00 per month. This number varies depending on local prices and geo location. This number may have been estimated from the number of people in your household.
If you did not enter manually this number was estimated from the size of space you selected to put your solar panels: small apartment up to a large land space.
The latitude and weather patterns of your location will affect this number the most.
This number depends on the quality of the solar panel, and the size and wattage. Numbers for residential or commercial projects may range around $200 - $400 each.
This is an estimation for the maximum number of solar panels you will need to go completely off the grid. For example, if you wish to provide half of your required monthly electricity from solar panels you would divide this number in half.
This is an estimation for the cost of the maximum number of solar panels you will need to go completely off the grid. For example, if you wish to provide half of your required monthly electricity from solar panels you would divide this number in half.
This number may vary based on the cost of local labor. It was calculated with the current average of roughly $4 per watt. This number would be a good estimate if you were buying and installing the panels youself instead of leasing from a company and having them install.
This number is simply estimated from the savings from your current electricity bill assuming no yearly solar panel costs. For a more specific estimate and to get local quotes from providers fill out your email below and we will send you more detailed information.

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